We are thrilled to announce that the next stage of our ongoing academy improvements is set to commence on 15 May 2023.

In this exciting next phase, we will be constructing a new multi-purpose hall and dining room, main entrance and kitchen facilities.

This £1.3 million investment will enhance the facilities at our academy and help to further improve the outcomes of our children. The current hall is not adequately sized, and the dining room and kitchen was created in the 1970s by joining three classrooms, as such we believe that the new facilities are long overdue and we can’t wait to put them to good use once complete.

The construction of the new hall and entrance is expected to take until Christmas and we would like to ask all the parents, carers and members of the Samuel Barlow community to offer their support and patience during this time. As with any new development, there is expected to be some level of adaption, especially during pick-up and drop-off, and as such, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs), see below, to help answer any immediate queries you may have.

We do not expect any undue disruption to pupils’ learning, as most of the construction will occur offsite in what is currently the staff car park.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and support and look forward to unveiling the improved facilities next year.

If you have any further questions or concerns, or would like to speak to member of staff, please contact us on 01623 479033 or email: office@samuelbarlowprimary-ac.org.uk

Frequently asked questions

Who can I talk to about my concerns?

As always you can always talk to your child’s class teacher as the first port of call and they will either answer your question or pass your query onto someone who can help, or you can WeDuc Office to contact the office team.

If you are from the local community you can contact us by phone or email, 01623479033, email office@samuelbarlowprimary-ac.org.uk

Will this cause disruption to my child’s learning?

We do not anticipate any disruption to learning as the site will be operating separately to the academy and sealed off from us. If anything we hope it will enhance experiences for the children, for example, when exciting parts of the building are constructed, we will teach the children about what is happening – a great way to learn about engineering and construction.

What are the time scales?

The work will begin on 15 May and is expected to be completed by the end of 2023 ready for the new buildings to be used early in 2024.

Where will I drop off/pick up my child?

Everyone will enter the academy grounds via the gates in front of the early years doors or via the ramped entrance.

Team gold and team pink will continue to enter via their doors – there is now a widened path and we ask that while you wait you keep off the wall and the grass to keep everyone safe.

The main gates will open as usual at 8.45am and will be locked again by 9am. They will open at 3.20pm and close again at 3.30pm.

All children in key stages 1 and 2 need to be ‘In the line by 5 to 9’ as usual on the playground so please bring your child to their line. Your children are your responsibility until the bell has gone at 9am and only children who have signed permission in years 5 and 6 can walk to and from the academy independently.

Team indigo will use the same door as the rest of key stage 1.

Team orange (year 5) will now line up on the key stage 2 playground but everyone else will line up in the same place.

Children coming to breakfast club will need to use the ramped entrance and walk around to the same door by the dining hall. The gate will be open from 7.30am until 8.15am to allow children to attend this.

If you are collecting children from an after school club please arrive at 4.30pm by the ramped entrance and we will dismiss the children through this gate to you.

If my child is late or I need to collect them, where will I go?

The ramped entrance will have an intercom so you can ring this and a member of the office staff will collect your child from you or bring them to you.

How do we access breakfast club?

Please use the ramped entrance and walk around to the same door as before where the team will be waiting for you.

It is important you arrive between the times 7.30am and 8.15am as the gates will then be locked.

Where do we go to collect our children from after school clubs?

Please use the ramped entrance and wait by the gate – staff will dismiss from this gate at 4.30pm. Please bear with the staff as they do this safely.

Where can I park?

As usual we ask you to park considerately on the street, if you have to use your car to get to the academy.

Please remember our neighbours may be coming and going and that you should not park on any yellow lines, blocking driveways or double parking.

You may need to consider changing your routine to leave earlier so that you park further away and walk safely – this is also a healthy option for your family.

Will this cause congestion?

We ask that you arrive on time and keep the flow of movement around the building ensuring children are given right of way when entering the site. Please ensure that wheelchair users and push chairs are given right of way on the ramp and ensure that children do not play on the barriers  -they are not climbing frames.

Congestion of traffic will be limited by the alternative plans we have made for academy vehicles. All construction traffic will avoid our key arrival and dismissal times so deliveries will be made at other times of the day.

We will not be using the building for extra meetings during the build and we are restricting visitors so only the essential professionals will be on site at this time.

Can my child bring a scooter or bike to school?

Unfortunately not at this time, although they may ride it to school, you will have to take it home again with you, as we will not have anywhere to store it during the build.

Once the site is reopened there will be storage provided, but for everyone’s safety we cannot accommodate bikes or scooters at this time.

Will you still hold events (sports day, Christmas play)?

We will keep you informed of all events that are happening between now and Christmas via WeDuc and your handy fridge list!

We will be holding as many of our usual events as possible, with any required adaptations, so no one will miss out on anything.

Will the new hall be available to be used for community events?

Yes we have planned for access to the building to be independent from the rest of the academy, so it can be hired by groups for events or regular meetings.