On Monday 1 April we will be joined at the academy by the team from The Greenwood Community Forest, who are donating some trees to help develop green spaces on our site. They will be coming to Samuel Barlow on this date to help us with our big community tree planting day at which our pupils and staff will be digging holes and planting the saplings – the project aims to help children connect with nature through curriculum linked activities.

Children will need to have a spare pair of weather-appropriate footwear to change into on the day such as wellies or trainers.

We are also inviting parents and carers to join us to support on the day. Below is our timetable of when classes will be outside doing their planting, but any volunteers can feel free to join us at any point in the day.

We can’t wait to work on this project, and hope to see lots of our Samuel Barlow community joining us to support the children.

Schedule for planting:

  • 9.30-10.15am – Year 3
  • 10.25-11.10am – Year 2 plus Nurture group
  • 11.15am-12noon – Year 1 plus some year 4’s
  • 1-1.45pm – Year 4 and 5
  • 1.55-2.40pm – Year 6