‘The books we love when we are young change our lives forever.’ SF Said
On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day at Samuel Barlow, with a pure focus on the joy of sharing stories.
Pupils and staff loved wearing their pyjamas for the day, which created a really relaxed atmosphere around the academy. Throughout the day, classes shared stories and took part in reading-related activities.
At lunchtime, children enjoyed a book-themed school meal, choosing from options such as ‘George’s marvellous macaroni cheese’, ‘Peter Rabbit’s carrots’ and ‘James and the giant peach crumble’.
The day ended with parents, carers and siblings invited to join children in their classrooms to share a special bedtime story together, along with a drink and a biscuit. It was a perfect opportunity for the pupils and their adults to spend quality time getting lost in a story together.
Thank you to everyone who supported our World Book Day. Thanks to your generous donations, we have raised £173.50 to enable us to buy picture books for every year group across the academy. This was a magical day for the children and it was a privilege to be able to share our love of reading as an academy community.